
[LECS/EM-07001] Current and Current Conservation

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, wherem→" role="presentation">m⃗  is the magnetic moment of the loop. For a planar loop|m→|=" role="presentation">|m⃗ |= current×" role="presentation">× and the equation∇×B→=μ0j→" role="presentation">∇×B⃗ =μ0j⃗  and is given by

(1)m→=q2Mℓ→" role="presentation">m⃗ =q2Mℓ⃗ (1)

[NOTES/EM-07001]-Electric Current

Node id: 5707

In this section we compute the leading term in the magnetic field of a current loop at large distances and obtain an expression for the magnetic moment of the loop.


[NOTES/EM-07002]-Current Conservation

Node id: 5708


The equation of continuity for conservation of electric is derived. An expression for current in a wire is obtained in terms of number of electrons per unit volume.



[NOTES/EM-07007]-Cross product rule

Node id: 5712

in this section the rule  about  the direction of cross product the cross product of two vectors  is explained.


[NOTES/EM-07008]-Magnetic Vector Potential

Node id: 5713

The vector potential is introduced using the Maxwell's equation ∇×B→=0" role="presentation">∇×B⃗ =0

is derived. The expression for the magnetic field is obtained as volume integral, the Biot Savart law, is derived. The expressions for the magnetic field for the surface current and the line current are given.


[NOTES/EM-07009]-Magnetic Field of a Current Loop at Large Distances

Node id: 5714

 In this section we compute the leading term in the magnetic field of a current loop at large distances and obtain an expression for the magnetic moment of the loop.


[NOTES/EM-07010]-Magnetic Field of a Current Distribution at a Large Distances

Node id: 5715

For a volume distribution of current an expression for magnetization density,{\it i.e.} the magnetic moment per unit volume, is obtained. An expression for the magnetic field at large distances, in terms of magnetization density,  is derived.


[NOTES/EM-07011]-Direction convention for Ampere’s Law

Node id: 5716

Direction convention for Ampere's law is explained


[NOTES/EM-07012]-Biot Savart Law

Node id: 5717

The Biot Savart law for current carrying wire is explained.


[NOTES/EM-07013] Equation of Continuity and Relativity

Node id: 5919


The equation of continuity appears in different branches of physics. It represents a local conservation law. In order to be consistent with requirement if special relativity every conserved quantity must come with a current which gives the flow of the conserved quantity across a surface and the two must obey equation of continuity. In this section we discuss these aspects of conservation laws.


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[NOTES/EM-07014] Conservation Laws for Electromagnetic Fields

Node id: 5998

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[NOTES/EM-07015] Current Density --- Examples

Node id: 5988

[NOTES/EM-07016] Force on a Line and Volume Element of a Wire

Node id: 5989

Expressions for  force on line  and volume elements of a current in magnetic field are derived. 


Node id: 5997

The magnetic moment for a point particle is shown to be related  to the angular momentum ℓ" role="presentation">ℓ



[NOTES/EM-07018] Poisson Equation for Vector Potential.

Node id: 5991

[NOTES/EM-07019] Solving for Vector Potential

Node id: 5992

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[NOTES/EM-07020] Charge Conservation

Node id: 5993

The meaning of charge conservation is discussed. It is known to be mathematically represented by  the equation of continuity. It is argued that special relativity requires that there should be  a 'current' associated with  every conserved quantity.

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