(Page Under Construction --- More to Come)
As the name itself suggests, pages in this heirarchy are Bits and Pieces of resources. Most of these are targets of links in other pages on this site and also in pdf files distributed by email. Links may be provided to students, and friends alike for quickly checking some points. The contant of most of resources will be obvious to the experts and also an experienced students
Some Bits and Pieces are collected to fill gaps left in text books and may serve useful purpose for a beginner. Many of these might be moved or removed completely in future.
\begin{eqnarray}W_2&=&\frac{q_1q_2}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_1}-\bar{r_2}\mid} \label{eq2}\\W_3&=&\frac{q_1q_3}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_1}-\bar{r_3}\mid}+\frac{q_2q_3}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_3}-\bar{r_2}\mid} \label{eq3}\\W_4&=&\frac{q_1q_4}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_1}-\bar{r_4}\mid}+\frac{q_2q_4}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_2}-\bar{r_4}\mid}+\frac{q_3q_4}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_3}-\bar{r_4}\mid} \label{eq4}\\W_k&=&\frac{q_k}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\Sigma_{i=1}^{k-1}\frac{q_i}{\mid\bar{r_i}-\bar{r_k}\mid} \label{eq5}\\W&=&W_1+W_2+W_3+\ldots+W_n\\ \label{eq6}&=&\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\sum_{k=1}^n\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\frac{q_iq_k}{\mid\bar{r_i}-\bar{r_k}\mid} \label{eq7}.\end{eqnarray}
The site supports typesetting chemical formulae and equation using MathJax extension mhchem.
Here are a few examples taken from the mhchem manual site.
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