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2651 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Title+Summarysort descending Name Date

Anti Black Box/CM03-001

Node id: 4472page
kapoor's picture 21-06-15 21:06:22 n

Archived Courses at Different Institutions

Node id: 5500collection
kapoor's picture 22-06-21 19:06:53 n

arrays practice

Node id: 3909page
shivahcu's picture 20-12-18 12:12:45 n


Node id: 2109curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n

Authoring Environment and Tools

Node id: 5394slideshow
ranjan's picture 24-07-04 08:07:11

Basic Page Testing Navigation

Node id: 4612page
kapoor's picture 21-08-29 12:08:03 n

Bits and Pieces

Node id: 3327page

As the name  itself suggests, pages  in this heirarchy are Bits and Pieces of resources. Most of these are targets of links in other pages on this site and  also in pdf files distributed by email. Links may be  provided to students, and friends alike for quickly checking some points.

The contant of most of  resources will be obvious to the experts and also an experienced students

Some Bits and Pieces are collected to fill gaps left in text books and may serve useful purpose for a beginner. Many of these might be moved or removed completely in future.

kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:30 n

Books - Not Sorted

Node id: 3163page
kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:30 n

BPCS-001 Why $\sum_k f(q)_k \delta q_k=0$ implies $f_k(q)=0$

Node id: 3328page
kapoor's picture 20-03-31 07:03:45 n

Bundled Lessons for Downloads --- Group Theory

Node id: 3756curated_content





kapoor's picture 20-08-20 16:08:59 n

C++ questions and answers

Node id: 857blog
Aashutosh's picture 21-05-20 04:05:31 n

Chapter 1 Complex Numbers

Node id: 1025page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:31 n

Chapter 2 Elementary Functions and Differentiation

Node id: 1026page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:31 n

Chapter 3 Functions with Branch Point Singularity

Node id: 1027page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:31 n

Check Code

Node id: 5638page



W_2&=&\frac{q_1q_2}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_1}-\bar{r_2}\mid} \label{eq2}\\
4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_3}-\bar{r_2}\mid} \label{eq3}\\
}-\bar{r_4}\mid} \label{eq4}\\
r_k}\mid} \label{eq5}\\
W&=&W_1+W_2+W_3+\ldots+W_n\\ \label{eq6}
\mid\bar{r_i}-\bar{r_k}\mid} \label{eq7}.

AK-47's picture 22-08-11 16:08:13 n


Node id: 5496page
kapoor's picture 22-06-18 15:06:12 n

Chemistry formulae and equations

Node id: 4580page

The site supports typesetting chemical formulae and equation using MathJax extension mhchem.

Here are a few examples taken from the mhchem manual site.


ranjan's picture 21-08-14 00:08:08 n

Classical Mechanics

Node id: 2723page
kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:44 n

Classical Mechanics [lnk]

Node id: 3385page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:02 n

Classical Mechanics (2018) :: Course given at University of Hyderabad

Node id: 2094page
Classical Mechanics-I
A course given at University of Hyderabad
Summer Semester May14 - July10 (2018)
kapoor's picture 22-08-25 08:08:38 n
