
Classical Mechanics

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Books Recommended for Level 3 Mechanics Problems

Claude Gignoux and
Bernard Silvestre-Brac, 

Solved Problems in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, 
Springer New York (2009)
Vladimir PletserLagrangian and Hamiltonian Analytical Mechanics:
Forty Exercises Resolved and Explained
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (2018)
 Sidney B. Cahn and
Boris E. Nadgorny
A Guide to Physics Problems Part 1
Mechanics, Relativity and Electrodynamics
Kulwer Academic Press, New York (2004)
 David Morin Introduction to ClassicalMechanics,
With Problems and Solutions
Cambrigde University Press (2008)
 Leonard MeirovitchMethods of Anlytical Dynamics
McGraw-Hill Book Company London (1970)
J. M. Knudsen
P. G.  Hjorth
Elements of  Newtonian Mechanics
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1995)

Daniel Kelppner and
Robert Kolenkow

An Introduction to Mechanics, Second Edn
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK (2014)

Thornton S. T. and
Marion J.B.

Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 5th Edn
Thomson  Press (2012)

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