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[NOTES/QM-06011] Uncertainty Relation

Node id: 6108page

The uncertainty, \(\Delta A)_\psi\), in a dynamical variable, \(X\) in a state, \(\psi\), is defined by\begin{equation}(\Delta X)^2_\psi = \langle (\hat{X} -\overline{X})^2 \rangle_\psi.\end{equation}Using this definition we derive an uncertainty relation between two non commuting dynamical variables,.

kapoor's picture 24-03-20 04:03:33 n

[NOTES/QM-06007] Compatible Dynamical Variables

Node id: 6106page

The question of simultaneous measurement of two dynamical variables is analysed. Starting from the postulates it is argued that two variables can be measured simultaneously if and only of they commute. This result generalizes to simultaneous measurement of several dynamical variables.


kapoor's picture 24-03-19 05:03:24 n

[NOTES/QM-06005] Probability and Average Value

Node id: 6105page

Starting with the postulates of quantum mechanics, it shown that the average value of a dynamca variable is given by\begin{equation}
 \langle A \rangle_\psi  =


kapoor's picture 24-03-18 13:03:21 n

[NOTES/QM-06002] Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5454page

We list the postulates of the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. These are

  1. Description of states on quantum systems.The states are represented by  vectors in a complex vector space
  2. Hermitian operators as observables.The observables are represented by hermitian operators
  3. This postulate connects theory with experiments by giving rules for computation of probabilities.
  4. Canonical quantizationThis postulate gives the basic commutation relations and makes actual computation possible.
  5. Law for time evolutionThis postulate plays the same role for quantum mechanics as  "Newton's Second Law" does for Newtonian mechanics
  6. Symmetrization postulate.This is the spin statistics connection giving symmetry properties of wave functions under exchange of two identical particles.



kapoor's picture 24-03-18 13:03:27 n

[NOTES/QM-06004] A Discussion of The Third Postulate of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5877page

The third postulate of quantum mechanics is discussed in detail.


kapoor's picture 24-03-18 13:03:18 n

[NOTES/QM-06001] Why Start with Postulates?

Node id: 6104page

Many concepts of classical mechanics have to be revised or given up completely. Also in quantum mechanics many new concepts, such as quantization of dynamical variables,  appear. In order to understand the  structure of quantum mechanics and its applications  well, it si recommended that teaching and learning of quantum mechanics should begin with the postulates.

kapoor's picture 24-03-18 13:03:12 n