
[NOTES/QM-06002] Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

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We list the postulates of the Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. These are

  1. Description of states on quantum systems.The states are represented by  vectors in a complex vector space
  2. Hermitian operators as observables.The observables are represented by hermitian operators
  3. This postulate connects theory with experiments by giving rules for computation of probabilities.
  4. Canonical quantizationThis postulate gives the basic commutation relations and makes actual computation possible.
  5. Law for time evolutionThis postulate plays the same role for quantum mechanics as  "Newton's Second Law" does for Newtonian mechanics
  6. Symmetrization postulate.This is the spin statistics connection giving symmetry properties of wave functions under exchange of two identical particles.




1. States of physical system
The state of a quantum mechanical system is represented by a vector in a complex vector space with inner product (Hilbert Space).

A vector that represents state of physical system will be called state vector.
The null vector does not represent any state.
Two non-null vectors represent the same state if and only if they are linearly dependent.
Thus $\ket{\psi_1}$ and $\ket{\psi_2}$ represent the same state if there exists a complex number $c$ such that \begin{equation} \ket{\psi_2} = c\ket{\psi_1} \label{EQ01} \end{equation}
The quantum mechanical states represented by vectors in Hilbert space are called pure states.

Density Matrix: There are other possible states which are called mixed states. These are represented by a density matrix $\rho$. The density matrix is an operator having properties that it is hermitian and that its eigenvalues are between $0$ and $1$. A density matrix $\rho$ corresponds to a pure state if and only if $\rho^2 = \rho$.

2. Dynamical Variables
The dynamical variables of a physical system are represented by linear operators in the vector space.

A linear operator representing a dynamical variable must have real eigenvalues and their eigenvectors must form a complete set. These properties are satisfied by self-adjoint operators (hermitian operators). So we demand that the dynamical variables be represented by self-adjoint operators in Hilbert space. An operator representing a dynamical variable will also be called an observable.


3. Measurement postulate and probabilities

If the system is in a state \(\ket(\psi)\), a measurement of dynamical variable \(A\) will give one of its eigenvalues \(\alpha_k\)  with probability equal to \(|\innerproduct{u_k}{\psi}|^2\), where \(\ket{u_k}\) is the eigenvector of \(\widehat{A}\) corresponding to eigenvalue \(\alpha_k\)

As an example, let $\ket{u_1}, \ket{u_2},\cdots, \ket{u_n}$ represent the eigenvectors of an observable $\hat{A}$. If the state vector of a physical system, $\ket{u_i}$, is an eigenvector of an operator $\hat{A}$ representing a dynamical variable $A$, a measurement of the dynamical variable gives value $\alpha$ with probability 1. Here $\alpha$ is the eigenvalue of $\hat{A}$ corresponding the eigenvector $\ket{u_i}$. Conversely, if the measurement of $A$ gives the value $\alpha$ with probability 1, the state of system will be represented by a vector which will be eigenvector of the operator $\hat{A}$ corresponding to the eigenvalue $\alpha$

In general, state vector \(\ket{\psi}\) will not be an eigenvector of the given dynamical variable. In such a case a measurement of the variable $A$ will results in values $\alpha_1, \alpha_2,\cdots, \alpha_n$ with probabilities $c_1\ket{\alpha_2}, c_1\ket{\alpha_2}, \cdots, c_n\ket{\alpha_n}$ where $c_1, c_2,\cdots, c_n$ are the coefficients in the expansion of the {\sf state vector} $\ket{\psi}$ \begin{equation} \ket{\psi}  = \sum_k c_k \ket{u_k} \label{EQ02} \end{equation} in terms of eigenvectors of $\hat{A}$. Here $\ket{\psi}$ and $\ket{u_k}$ are assumed to be normalized.\begin{equation} \innerproduct{\psi}{\psi}= 1; \qquad \innerproduct{u_k}{u_k} = 1, k=1,2,\ldots \label{EQ03} \end{equation}


4. Commutation Relations
The operators corresponding to the generalized coordinates and momenta $\{q_k, p_k\}$ of a classical system satisfy \begin{eqnarray} \hat{q}_i \hat{q}_j  - \hat{q}_j \hat{q}_i = 0 \label{EQ04}\\ \hat{p}_i \hat{p}_j - \hat{p}_j \hat{p}_i = 0 \label{EQ05}\\ \hat{q}_i \hat{p}_j- \hat{p}_j \hat{q}_i = i\hbar \delta_{ij}\label{EQ06} \end{eqnarray} The above relations are called {\sf canonical commutation relations

5. Equation of motion
The time development of a system is governed by the Schrodinger equation \begin{equation} i \hbar \dd{t} \ket{\psi t} = \hat{H} \ket{\psi t} \end{equation} where $\ket{\psi t}$ is the state vector of the system at time $t$ and $\hat{H}$ is the operator representing the Hamiltonian of the system. }

6. Symmetrization postulate for identical particles

For a system of identical particles, the state of the system remains unchanged under exchange of a pair of particles, it should be either symmetric or antisymmetric under an exchange of all the variables of the two identical particles.

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