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[NOTES/CM-05009] Keplar Orbit Parameters

Node id: 6298page

The equation for the orbit involves two constants of integration. We determine  these constants and obtain an expression for the eccentricity in terms of energy angular momentum etc.. Conditions on  energy for different types of possible orbits , elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic, are written down.

kapoor's picture 24-06-14 18:06:12 n

[NOTES/CM-05007] Differential Equation of Orbit

Node id: 6299page

Two methods of obtaining the differential equation of the orbit, in a sphericall symmetric potential, are given using the Euler Lagrange equations and conservation law.

kapoor's picture 24-06-14 18:06:38 n

[NOTES/CM-05008] Keplar Problem --- Solving Differential Equation

Node id: 6191page

Differential equation for orbits is solved. The orbits are shown to be conic sections. Kepler's three laws are proved. Some properties of hyperbolic orbits are derived.

kapoor's picture 24-06-14 12:06:57 n

[NOTES/CM-05001] Cyclic coordinates and constants of motion

Node id: 6176page

Cyclic coordinates are defined; canonical momentum conjugate to a cyclic coordinate is shown to be a constant of motion. 

kapoor's picture 24-06-13 19:06:54 n

[NOTES/CM-05002] Reduction of Two Body Problem

Node id: 6177page

It is proved that the two body problem with central potential \(V(|\vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2|)\)  can be reduced to one body problem. In the reduced problem the body has reduced mass and moves in spherically symmetric potential \(V(r)\). In this case the center of mass moves like a free particle.

kapoor's picture 24-06-13 18:06:33 n

[NOTES/CM-05006] Effective Potential for Spherically Symmetric Problems

Node id: 6180page

Using angular momentum conservation it is shown that orbits for a spherically symmetric potential lie in a plane; This makes it possible to work in plane polar coordinates. The equation for radial motion becomes similar to that in one dimension with potential replaced by an effective potential. An expression for the effective potential is obtained.

kapoor's picture 24-04-14 08:04:31 n

[NOTES/CM-05005] Runge Lenz Vector

Node id: 6179page

It is proved that the Runge-Lenz vector \begin{equation}
\vec{N} = \vec{v} \times \vec{L} - \frac{k\vec{r}}{r}
\end{equation} is a constant of motion for the Coulomb potential \(-k/r\). 

kapoor's picture 24-04-08 04:04:16 n