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[QUE/EM-04001] --- EM-PROBLEM

Solve the problem of a point charge and a grounded conducting sphere by
expanding the Coulomb potential of the point charge in spherical harmonics with
respect to the center of the sphere, solving for the potential for each
\(\ell\) and resumming.

kapoor's picture 22-06-11 23:06:40

[QUE/EM-03015] --- EM-PROBLEM

Six charges are placed at positions given below:

  Charge Position   Charge Position
 1 q (L, 0, 0)  4 - q (-2L,0,0)
2 2q (0, 2L, 0)  5 - 2q (0, 0,3L)
3 3q (0,- 2L, 0)  6 - 3q (0,0,L)

Compute the dipole moment of the system.



kapoor's picture 22-06-11 23:06:59