
[XMP/QM-13001] Short Examples --- Nature of Energy Spectrum

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We give several examples to explain how to obain the nature of energy spectrum without solving the problem completely.

The nature of energy spectrum can be classified into three following classes.

  • [Class 1] Discrete energy levels
  • [Class 2] Continuous and doubly degenerate levels
  • [Class 3]Continuous and non degenerate levels

We will two give examples each of potentials with specified energy levels of specified classes. is described.

  1. Potentials having only class 1 levels: 
  2. Harmonic oscillator and Infinite well
  3. Potentials having only class 2 levels:
  4. Square barrier, Fig. 3. and \(V(x)= g\, \sech^2 \alpha x, g>0\),
  5. Potentials having only class 3 energy states:   
  6. The exponential potential \(V(x)= g e^{\alpha x}, \alpha >0, g>0\) and Rigid wall at \(x=0\)
  7. Potentials having class 1 and class 2 levels, but not having class 3 levels:
  8. Square well, Fig. 1 and \(V(x)=-g\, \sech^2\alpha x , g>0\)
  9. Potentials having class 1 and class 3 levels, but not of class 2:
  10. Square well with a hard core, Fig. 6 and Morse potential, \(V(x) =A (e^{-2ax}-2e^{-ax}) \)
  11. Potentials having class 2 and class 3 levels but with no class 1 level:
  12. Step potential ,  Fig. 7 and Asymmetric barrier, Fig. 4
  13. Potential having all three types of states: 
  14. Two examples are sketched in Fig. 2 and Fig 8.



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