
[NOTES/SM-04018] Boltzmann Entropy from Canonical Partition Function

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We derive the Boltzmann relation for entropy using the canonical partition function. This derivation uses the fact that the number of micro states \(\Omega(E)\) as a function energy has a sharp peak around the mean energy.

Mean energy
The internal energy, or the mean energy, of an ideal gas is given by
U = -\frac{\partial \log Z}{\partial \beta} = 3N\frac{kT}{2}.

The entropy is given by
S -k \ln Z + \beta U. \label{EQ02}
where \(U\) is the mean energy. For macroscopic systems the degeneracy \(\Omega(E)\) of energy levels \(E\) is sharply peaked around the mean energy \(\bar E\). Therefore we replace \(U\) with \(\bar E\). Also only one term \(E=\bar E\) in the sum in \EqRef{EQ01} over all levels contributes to the partition function giving
Z =k\log \Omega(\bar E)-k \beta \bar E

The expression \eqref{EQ02} for the entropy, therefore, reduces to the Boltzmann expression

S = k \log \Omega(\bar E).

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