
[NOTES/CM-02002] Constrraints, Degrees of Freedom, Generalized Coordinates

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The equations of motion in Newtonian mechanics are always written in Cartesian coordinates. If there are constraints among the coordinates, these have to be taken into account separately. A special type of constraints, called holonomic constraints and the number of degrees of freedom is defined.

For many systems the coordinates and velocities must satisfy constraint relations. For example for a particle moving on the surface of a sphere the
constraint relation
must be imposed separately on the solutions of EOM.
Several different types of constraints are possible

  1. $z=f(x,y)$ particle moves on a surface
  2. $f(x,y,z,\dot{x},\dot{y},\dot{z})=0.$
  3. For gas molecules in a cubical container the position coordinates satisfy \[ -L\leq x\leq L,\qquad -L\leq y\leq L \qquad -L\leq z\le L

Constraint relations involving only coordinates and possibly time, are called  holonomic  constraints. These are given by expressions of the form \begin{equation} f_j(\vec{x}_1,\vec{x}_2,\dots \vec{x}_N,t) = 0, \qquad\qquad  j=1 \dots m. \end{equation} The Lagrangian formalism is  applicable to systems  with holonomic constraints only.

Degrees of freedom
We shall be concerned only with systems having holonomic constraints. For a system with $N$ particles, $3N$ coordinates are needed. If these coordinates satisfy $m$ relations of type $f(\vec{x},t)=0$. Only $3N-m$ coordinates will be independent and we say that the system has $3N-m$ degrees of freedom.

Generalized coordinates
For a system with \(m\) degrees of freedom, one needs \(m\) independent variables to specify the configuration of the system. A set of \(m\) functions of Cartesian coordinates is called generalized coordinates if they having the following  properties:

  1. the generalized coordinates must be independent;
  2. All the Cartesian coordinates of the particles must be expressible in terms of the generalized coordinates when holonomic constraints are taken into account.

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