
[LECS/QM-ALL] Quantum Mechanics --- No Frills Lectures

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About this collection:
This is a collection of Lecture Notes on Quantum Mechanics.
An effort is made to keep the content focused on the main topics.
There is no discussion of related topics and no digression into unnecessary details.

Who may find it useful:
Any one who wants to learn or refresh all topics in standard two semester Quantum Mechanics course.

Topics covered:
The list of topics covered  appears in the main body of this page.
Click on any topic to see details and links to content pages.




  • Part-I   Preparatory  Material
    • QM-01  Classical Theories Revisited
    • QM-02  A Quick Review of Vector Spaces
    • QM-03  Inner Product Spaces
    • QM-04  Inadequacy of Classical Theories
    • QM-05  Advent of Quantum Theory
  • Part-II  General Principles of Quantum Mechanics 
  • Part-III  Applications to Physical Systems
    • QM-12  Free Particle
    • QM-13  Potential Problems in One Dimension
    • QM-14  Problems in Two and Three Dimensions
    • QM-15  Special Potential Problems
    • QM-16  Spherically Symmetric Potentials in Three Dimensions
    • QM-17  Addition of Angular Momenta
    • QM-18  Scattering- Integral Equation
    • QM-19  Scattering - Partial Wave Expansion
    • QM-20   Spin and Identical Particles
  • Part-IV   Approximation Methods
    • QM-21   Variation Method
    • QM-22   WKB Approximation
    • QM-23  Time Independent Perturbation Theory
    • QM-24  Approximation Schemes for Time Dependent Problems
    • QM-25  Semi-classical Treatment of Radiation