
Role of Technology in providing quality education at primay level on a massive scales.

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I have often wondered why large number of children from marginalised sections still lack proper education. I am not trying to write something in a fit of emotions. Whatever the Govt has done in the past so many years is all for higher education. How can there be a gross neglect at this level

In this forum I would like to concentrate of possible role of technology in providing a solution.
More specifically I want to know

  • what all technology can do to help in arriving at solution that can be implemented?
  • what are the limitations technology has for this problem?
  • what can be done to overcome limitations.
  • For example I want to know why can one not, for example, adopt MOOCS model for elementary education?Obviously there will be some major changes needed but that is the model which promises to reach masses and cut down costs. Any ideas? Any answers any one? If it can be adapted what modifications will be needed? If it cannot be adopted, can some one make a list of reasons?