A central force potential frequently encountered in nuclear physics is the so called rectangular well, defined by the potential $$ V(r) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cr} 0 & r\ge a \qquad \\ -V_0 & r\le a \end{array} \right.$$
Show that the scattering produced by such a potential in classical mechanics is identical with the refraction of light rays by a sphere of radius $a$ and relative index of refraction $$ n= \sqrt{E+V_0 \over E } $$ Show that the differential cross section is $$ \sigma(\Theta) ={ n^2 a^2 \over 4\cos^2} {\Theta \over 2} \times { \left(n \cos{\Theta \over 2}-1 \right) \left(n - \cos{\Theta \over 2} \right)\over \left( 1+n^2 -2n \cos{\Theta \over 2} \right)^2}$$
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4727:Diamond Point