
[NOTES/SM-01004] Microscopic Description

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In statistical mechanics one focuses attention on the microscopic states and has a formalism to derive properties of macro states of the system.


Classical mechanics of one particle state is described by position and momenta (or velocities). For $N$ particle system state is described by $\vec{r}_1,\vec{r}_2,\cdots, \vec{r}_N$, variables can take continuous values. For one particle variables to take values $$ x,y,z,~~v_x,v_y,v_z $$ in range $dx,dy,dz, dv_x,dv_y,dv_z$ probability is given by $$ F(x,y,z,v_x,v_y,v_z)dxdydzdv_xdy_ydz_z $$ or $$ f(\vec{r},\vec{v})d^3vd^3r $$ For $N$ articles $$ f(\vec{r}_1,\cdots\vec{r}_N,\vec{v}_1,\cdots \vec{v}_N)d^3r_1\cdots d^3r_Nd^4v_1\cdots d^3v_N $$

A microstate is determined by values of $\{\vec{r}_k,\vec{v}_k|k=1,2,\ldots\}$ variables with  accuracy $d^3r_k d^3v_k$ in \(\vec{r}_k, \vec{v}_k\) respectively.\\
Each is represented by a point in phase space.

Probability of a micro state cannot be measured by doing an experiment! So we can assume certain states are equally probable. Which states are equally probable?

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