
[NOTES/CM-2009] What is a Cyclic Coordinate?

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Cyclic coordinate, a useful concept in Lagrangian dynamics, is defined and is shown to give rise to a conservation law.

A generalized coordinate \(q\) is called cyclic if the Lagrangian \(L\) is independent of \(q\).
Therefore, if \(q\) is cyclic, we have \[\pp[L]{q}=0.\] In such a case, the equation of motion for \(q\)  \begin{equation} \dd{t}\Big(\pp[L]{\dot {q}} \Big)  - \pp[L]{q} = 0  \end{equation} implies a conservation law.\begin{equation} \dd{t}\Big(\pp[L]{\dot {q}} \Big)=0. \end{equation} In other words the momentum canonically conjugate to \(q\) is a constant of motion.

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