Consider a the case of a body moving in a potential which is flat in neighbourhood of point \(x=a\). The first derivative of the potential will be zero at \(x=a\). What kind of behaviour the system will exhibit when placed near the point \(x=a\)? At point \(x=a\) and in its neighbourhood the force on the body vanishes. If placed at rest, it will remain in equilibrium. If the body is displaced to a neighbouring point, brought to rest and left, it will remain in equilibrium for the same reason. In such a case we say that the body is in neutral equilibrium. A cone placed on a table is an example that exhibits all the three kinds of equilibria.
- Kleppner and Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, Second Edn (2014) See Ch6 \(\S6.3\) p240.
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