
INFO --- Description and Up fields for Navigation

For page specific messages
For page author info



The Page Id is constructed from the file name.

Examples of Constructing PageId.

 File Name      Page Id Remarks
 qm-lec-05002  NOTES/QM-05002  lec -> NOTES
 qm-Lecs-01001  LEC/QM-01001  Lecs -> LEC
 qm-pset-09001  Problem-Set/QM-09001  pset -> Problem-Set
 qm-quz-08001  QUIZ/QM-08001  quz -> Quiz
 qm-que-12001 QUE/QM-12001  que -> QUE
qm-que-12001-solu QUE/QM-12001#Solu   -solu -> #Solu
  qm-xmp-09001   Short-Examples/QM-09001  xmp -> Short-Examples
qm-ymp-25001 Solved-Example/QM-25001 ymp -> Solved
qm-shq-23005 Short-Question/QM-23005 shq -> Short-Question
qm-tut-23001 Tutorial/QM-23001 tut -> Tutorial
qm-exe-22002 Exercise/QM-22002 exe -> Exercise
qm-pset-08001 Problem-Set/QM-08001 pset -> Problem-Set


(1) Solved Examples --- Addition of Angular Momenta; Id::YMP/QM-17003
     (Node id: 4812)

     will become

    [Solved-Example/QM-17003]  Addition of Angular Momenta   

    (Rule :- YMP -> Solved-Example);

    Remove the PageId at the end of title, if it is there.


(2)  TXT _> NOTES so TXT/QM-25005 becomes NOTES/QM-25005.


All Page Id to be Enclosed in square brackets [.... ].


Do  not change the PageId, if it is already in the form shown in Column-2
In case of doubt, see filename, if available.

Exclude node summary : 
