The Page Id is constructed from the file name.
Examples of Constructing PageId.
File Name | Page Id | Remarks |
qm-lec-05002 | NOTES/QM-05002 | lec -> NOTES |
qm-Lecs-01001 | LEC/QM-01001 | Lecs -> LEC |
qm-pset-09001 | Problem-Set/QM-09001 | pset -> Problem-Set |
qm-quz-08001 | QUIZ/QM-08001 | quz -> Quiz |
qm-que-12001 | QUE/QM-12001 | que -> QUE |
qm-que-12001-solu | QUE/QM-12001#Solu | -solu -> #Solu |
qm-xmp-09001 | Short-Examples/QM-09001 | xmp -> Short-Examples |
qm-ymp-25001 | Solved-Example/QM-25001 | ymp -> Solved |
qm-shq-23005 | Short-Question/QM-23005 | shq -> Short-Question |
qm-tut-23001 | Tutorial/QM-23001 | tut -> Tutorial |
qm-exe-22002 | Exercise/QM-22002 | exe -> Exercise |
qm-pset-08001 | Problem-Set/QM-08001 | pset -> Problem-Set |
(1) Solved Examples --- Addition of Angular Momenta; Id::YMP/QM-17003
(Node id: 4812)
will become
[Solved-Example/QM-17003] Addition of Angular Momenta
(Rule :- YMP -> Solved-Example);
Remove the PageId at the end of title, if it is there.
(2) TXT _> NOTES so TXT/QM-25005 becomes NOTES/QM-25005.
All Page Id to be Enclosed in square brackets [.... ].
Do not change the PageId, if it is already in the form shown in Column-2
In case of doubt, see filename, if available.
Exclude node summary :
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