
Lie Algebra== Testing the multistep

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If we write a $3\times3$ real orthogonal matrix close to identiy, we would get
\[ X = I + \Delta X \] and then orthogonality demands that $X$ should be real antisymmetric matrix.
That gives Lie algebra of $O(3)$. 

If we repeat the same for SU(2) we would get $2\times2$ traceless hermitian matrices as the Lie algebra of

A statement, that is often found in literature. is Lie algebra of $O(3)$ and $SU(2)$ are  same
do you think that this is correct?




THIS IS CONTENT OF FIRST STEP Response 1: The two are obviously different Response 2: The two algebras are the same as angular momentum algebra Response 3: As abstract algebra they are the same, there is no difference
step 2 Some text for step 2 here
Step 3 More text for step 3



One more step. This is step 4

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