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Reading Assignment : Miranda's paper ( already sent to you) 

10 The tension $\tau$ in an elastic rubber band is given by $$ \tau\,=\,aT\left(\frac{L}{L_0(T)}-\,\left(\frac{L_0(T)}{L}\right)^2\right),
$$ where $a$ is a constant, $L_0(T)$is the unstretched length at zero tension, and is a function of temperature only. 

(a) Write the first law using the work done when it is elongated and gets a supply of heat. ( Be careful of signs!) 

(b) Use the first law to write $dF$, where $F$ is the free energy of the rubber band.

(c) Solve for the free energy $F$ and show that $$ F(T,L)\,-\,F(T,L_0(T))\,=\,aT\left(\frac{L^2}{2L_0(T)}\,+\,\frac{L_0(T)^2}{L^2}\,-\,\frac{3L_0(T)}{2}\right)$$ and the entropy $S$ $$ S(T,L)\,-\,S(T,L_0(T))\,=\,a\left(\frac{3L_0}{2}\,-\,\frac{L_0^2}{L}\,-\,\frac{L^2}{2L_0}\right)\,-\,aT\left(\frac{3}{2}\,-\,\frac{2L_0}{L}\,+\,\frac{L^2}{2L_0^2}\right)\frac{dL_0(T)}{dT} $$ 11. ( refer to the previous problem.) (a)Find the heat $Q$ transferred to the elastic band when it is stretched from $L_0$ to $L$ isothermally. (b) Show that $$ \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial L}\right)_S \,=\,\frac{aTL_0^2}{c_LL^2}\left(-1\,+\,\left(\frac{L}{L_0}\right)^3\,+\,\frac{Ta}{L_0}\frac{dL_0}{dT}\left(2\,+\,\left(\frac{L}{L_0}\right)^3\right)\right)$$ where $$c_L\,=\,\left(\frac{DQ}{\partial T}\right)_L.$$ 12. Consider a cycle $ABCD$ with perfect gas as the working substance. $AB$ is at constant volume $V_1$ and $CD$ is at constant volume at $V_2$ with $V_2\,>\,V_1$ The parts $BC$ and $DA$ are adiabatic. Calculate the efficiency of this engine in terms of $V_!$ and $V_2$. (Note this is different from Carnot's engine and so we can not draw similar conclusions about the efficiency being maximum)

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