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Compute moment of inertia tensor of a space station with solar panels as shown in figure. Let us calculate the inertia tensor for the spacecraft with solar panels illustrated in figure. We will consider the body to be a cylinder and the two panels to be rectangular hexahedra, all of uniform density and of the dimensions indicated in figure.
%FigBelow{10,-35}{70}{0} SolarPanels
Let the \(x\)-axis be the axis of the panel passing through the center of the \(b −c\) face and the \(y\)-axis the symmetry axis of the cylinder. Choose the x-axis to be a principal axis for the cylinder. Let the panels each be inclined at angles \(\pi/2-\theta\) to the generators of the cylinder.


Let B1 be the cylinder and B2 , B3 the (identical) panels. More in Heard's book.\\ William B Heard, "Rigid Body Mechanics" WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (2006)

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