
Classical Mechanics-I-::-Dec20-Mar21@CMI --- Practical Information-I

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Please visit the following page for list of topics covered, and for plans of next few lectures.

Classical Mechanics-I-::-Dec20-Mar21@CMI ---  Practical Information-II

 For complete set of study resources : Click and GO TO Moodle Course Site

 Click Here :: For Previous Year's Resources

Links to Video Recordings of Class Room Lectures

  1. Dec 14, 2020 Not Recorded
    Course Overview

  2. Dec 18, 2020 Class Cancelled for Technical Reasons

  3. Dec 21, 2020        Passcode: &Hnt+4.g
    Review of Vector Algebra, Rotations

  4. Dec 25, 2020 Christmas Holiday

  5. Dec 28, 2020       Passcode: I8N@*S*8
    Rotation of Vectors

  6. Jan 1, 2021          Passcode: 19*BJjdB
    Tutorial and Concluding Remarks

  7. Jan 4, 2020         Passcode: c6?C.pM$
    Newton's Laws, Inertial and Non-inertial frames

Tutorial-1 :: 2021 Jan 3-Jan 9 2021

The first tutorial will be on matrices with focus on  eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Matrices with emphasis on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Details sent by email
There are 150 problem sets on matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Solutions to all  problems in Set 1. will be presented  in the first  tutorial.

Each student to solve a  different problem set   as home work (HomeAssignment-II) in the coming next week.
Note down the  SetId ( printed at the bottom right corner). This SetId has to te be mentioned on the first page of
The answers are available in the same file at the end.
Before submitting the full solutions, the students should check if they are getting the answers.
In case of difficulty, please discuss with your tutor


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