
[LSN/QFT-04003] The Physical Interpretation of States in Number Representation

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I  Lesson Objectives

 We take up two examples to provide motivation for
interpretation of \(\psi^\dagger(\mathbf x)\psi(\mathbf x)\) as number density, {\it i.e.} the number of particles per unit volume.

  1. interpretation of \(N_\mathbf k\) for the cases of periodic boundary conditions and of delta function normalization.
  2. the interpretation of the states \(\ket{\nu_1,\nu_2,..}\) as corresponding to \(\nu_1\) particles in \(u_1(x)\), \(\nu_2\) particles in state \(\nu_2\) and so on.

 II Recall and Discuss


Canonical Quantization

The canonical quantization of Schr\"{o}dinger field is completed by postulating the equal time commutator relation (ETCR) \begin{equation}\label{EQ01} \big[\psi(x,t), \pi(y,t)\big]= i\hbar \delta(x-y) \end{equation} is the first and last step towards quantization.

Mathematical properties of $a_k, a^\dagger_k, N_k$

 The creation operators \(a^\dagger_\mathbf k\) and annihilation operators \(a_\mathbf k\) and number operators obey the commutation relations \begin{eqnarray} [a_\mathbf k, a^\dagger_{\mathbf k{'}}]&=&\delta_{\mathbf k,\mathbf k{'}}; \\{} [a_\mathbf k,a_{\mathbf k{'}}]=0 &\quad& [a_\mathbf k^\dagger,a_{\mathbf k{'}} ^\dagger ]=0; \end{eqnarray}

  1. The operators \(N_\mathbf k=a^\dagger_\mathbf k a_\mathbf k\) form a commuting set of hermitian operators and obey commutation relations. \[[a_\mathbf k^\dagger, N_\mathbf k] =1, \qquad [a_\mathbf k, N_\mathbf k]=-1 \] all other commutators, \(N_\mathbf p\) with \(a_\mathbf q\) or \(a^\dagger_\mathbf q\) are zero for \(\mathbf p\ne \mathbf q\).

 We had defined number operators \(N_k\) which are hermitian and commute
pairwise. Their eigenvalues can be worked out. In fact their algebra is the
same as one encounters in the treatment of the harmonic oscillator. The
eigenvalues are all non-negative integers.  

Choosing an o.n. basis

The fact that \(N_k, k=1,2,3..\) commute pairwise, their eigenvectors form a complete orthonormal set. This means that the basis vectors are specified by a sequence of corresponding eigenvalues \(\nu_1,\nu_2,\ldots\). The details of interpretation of states \(\ket{\nu_1,\nu_2, \ldots, \nu_k,\ldots}\) depends on the choice of the orthonormal set \(\{u_n(x)|n=1,2,\ldots\}\)


 III Physical Interpretation of Particle Number States

 \(\S1\) Physical Interpretation of Particle Number States

  IV EndNotes 
 Note carefully, and remember 

  • [\NoteThisPoint] that \(\psi^\dagger\psi\) is number of particles per unit volume in both the cases of delta function normalization and of box normalization. %
  • [\NoteThisPoint] how the interpretation of \(N_\mathbf k\) differs in the case of periodic boundary conditions from that of delta function normalization.
  • [\NoteThisPoint] In case of box normalization \(N_\mathbf k\) is the number of particles with momentum \(\mathbf k\).
  • [\NoteThisPoint] In case of delta function normalization, \(N_\mathbf k\, d\mathbf k\) is the number of particles having momentum in volume \(d\mathbf k\) at the momentum value \(\mathbf k\).


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