
[LSN/QFT-ALL]: Quantum Field Theory --- Stockpile of Lessons

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Quantum Field Theory

This self paced course is planned to have 15 modules given below;r

The red colour indicates an item that are required as prerequisites and that will included as part of this course.

  • Course Overview, subject to changes and adjustments as the course progresses
  • Module-I:: Classical Field Theory 
  • Module-II:: Second Quantization of Schrodinger Field
    • Session II-.1 :: Recall quantization of classical systems
    • Session II.2:: QM  as Classical Field Theory; Electromagnetic Interactions
    • Session II.3:: Canonical  Quantization and Fock space
  • Module-III:: Preparation form Quantum Mechanics --- Time Dependent Perturbation Theory
    • Session III.1 ::  Preparation ::Time Dependent Perturbation Theory
    • Session III.2 :: Transition to contiuum and Fermi golden rule
    • Session III.3 :: Born Approximation
  • Module-IV::Computation of Cross Sections
    • Computation of matrix elements
    • Cross section in second quantized Schrodinger Theory
  • Module-V:: Preparation from Relativistic Quantum Mechanics-I
    • Session V-1 :: Relativistic Notation, Summation convention etc
    • Session V-2 :: Free  Particle Solution Klein Gordon Equation
  • Module-VI:: Second Quantization of Klein Gordon Field
    • Session VI-1:: Quantization of Klein Gordon Field and Fock Space
    • Session VI-2:  Computation of Cross Sections and Life Times
  • Module-VII:: Quantization of Electromagnetic Field
    • Session VII-.1:: Maxwell Equations, Coulomb Gauge Quantization
    • Session VII-.2:: Processes Involving Photons.
  • Module-VIII:: Preparation from Relativistic Quantum Mechanics-II 
    • Session VIII-1::  Dirac Equation, Covariant Form of Dirac Equation
    • Session VIII-2:: Plane Wave Solutions
    • Session  VIII-3:: Properties of Plane Wave Solutions
    • Session VIII-4:: Spin Sums -- Projection Operators
    • Session VIII-5:: Properties of Dirac Matrices -- Calculation of Traces
  • Module-IX :: Quantization of Dirac Field
    • Session IX-1 :: Canonical Anti Commutation Relations
    • Session IX-2 :: Number Representation and Fock Space
    • Session IX-3 :: Life Times and Cross Sections
  • Module-X:: Symmetries and Conservation Laws
  • Module-XI:: S- Matrix, Schwinger Dyson Expansion, and Wick's Theorem
  • Module-XII:: Feynman Diagrams and Feynman Rules
  • Module-XIII::  Computation of  Processes --- Tree Diagrams
  • Module-XIV:: Higher Order Calculation
  • Module-XV:: Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Electron


