
Info-Page -6 :: Lesson Bundle Template [LNK]

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The following is sample of a Lesson Bundle to illustrate the  template of a lesson bundle.


Lesson Bundle Overview

Introduction to the scope of the unit.
This unit links to study resources and problem solving sessions on this topic.

The details are as follows

  1. Level of coverage is at the undergraduate level
  2. Subject matter covered corresponds to Chapter 22 of H.C. Verma, "Concepts in Physics" Vol I.


Equations of motion in a non-inertial frame. Motion in a uniformly accelerated frame.  


Motion in a frame rotating with constant angular velocity about a fixed axis of rotation.  
Centrifugal force and Effects of the Earths rotation about is own axis. Coriolis force and  
its effect on a freely falling body. Focault pendulum.


\(\S 1\) Motion in a Linearly Accelerated Frame  
\(\S 2\) Equations of Motion in a Rotating Frame
\(\S 3\) Effect of Earth's Rotation - Centrifugal Force
\(\S 4\)  Effect of Earth's rotation - Coriolis Force



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