This set of homework assignments were prepared for
First Semester Course MeOW (Mechanics, Oscillations, and Waves)
2015 Batch of B.Tech program at BITS-Pilani University Hyderabad (July-Nov 2015).
More than 700 different question papers and answer sets were generated by
an automated process for a class of 700 students.
Each student was given a different set of question paper for home work.
The students were asked to submit their answers online.
The evaluation of answers was also automated.
The process tested automation of generating the ranking type of question papers and evaluation.
It is possible to extend it to other types of questions and is likely to be useful for large classes.
The process of automating the creation and evaluation of a large number of assignments
will be described elsewhere. A link will appear here in due course of time.
To have an idea of type of questions download the attached pdf file having 730 different Assignment papers.
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