
A list of complete reference to sources of questions and problems

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This page gives an incomplete, but growing list of sources from which many problems have been compiled. Many questions and problems are obvious variations of the original one, an effort is made to list corresponding sources also. Needless to say that this task will never achieve a complete list, neverthelss it has been taken to give the credit where it is due.

The users are welcome to leave comments with  regard to source on the appropriate problem page.

Calkin M.G. ," Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics" World Scientific Singapore (1966)

Gamow G. "Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory" Dover Publications Inc(1966).. [ Gamow ]

Gradshteyn I. S.  and Ryzhik I. M., "Tables of Integrals Series and Products" Academic Press (1965)  [GR]

Kompaneyets  A. S., "A Course of Theoretical Physics" Vol 1 , Vol2, Mir Publishers Moscow (1978),..[ Kom ]

McRobert, T.M. ,"Functions of a Complex Variable"  McMillan and Co Ltd (1954) [ McRobert ]

Mehra Jagdish, " THE BIRTH OF QUANTUM MECHANICS" Werner Heisenberg Memorial Lecture delivered at the CERN Colloquium on 30 March 1976.

Polya G. "Complex Variables" John Wiley and Sons, New York (1974)

  Sakurai J. J., "Advanced Quantum Mechanics" Addison Wesley (1967)


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