
Suggestions on Zero Space Content and its Organization by Students Friends

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General Response to all the points raised in emails of 4-9-2018

 Thanks for your messages. I have been at all this business for past six years.
During Last two years I did not do much uploading on zero space.
And I have not make much progress as far as actual material is concerned.
However I have figured out many difficulties and revamped the structure,
organization and navigation several times.

Now only I have arrived at something which is very flexible.  I can add any new kind of
content any time effortlessly. This will not require restructuring anything.
You have given a lot of thought and mailed your comments. I am very thankful to you.
I have been asking many of my friends but have received little, almost no, response.
I will figure it out a convenient way of inviting comments and keeping them on zero space itself.
Then all our exchanges will be in one place. You will also  be able to post your comments,
see your own all earlier comments and also my responses any time.

Until I fix it,  keep sending your feedback by email. Thanks once again.
For the time being, you concentrate on
  • Whether it is possible to find out any   thing quickly or not.
  • Comment on struture and organization
  • Keep suggesting new forms and formats ( like you wrote about all the important points and formulas together for CM and QM which may  be useful .....  )
  • I will be looking at specifics items  to be provided later.

From WiFi : September 4th 2018

I was looking at the material.. But to actually see and solve some things I want to download the pdf, which I could not find. May I know how to do it?

  •  At present download links are  provided randomly. It will be done systematically sooner or later.

Also I am trying to take all the important points and formulas together for CM and QM by reading your pdfs. Once that is prepared you can have a look. I think its important to have all things in few pages, so that anyone can refresh everything in few minutes, before going to competitive exams.

  • This will be done in future. I have it in my mind. Rememeber all this is one man's effort as of now.


  • I am not sure whether it is a mistake or it is not properly formatted (BY INTENTION). The CM Cross Roads should be the heading, and all QM notes should go under QM cross Roads. For convenience, I am attaching the snapshot. Have a look!
  • It is mistake and will be corrected. Cross roads  will be useful when there is a lot of content scattered around.All content related to a module will be have links in the corresponding cross road.


  •  I personally don't like this, where it is stetting up the connections to the previous and to the next chapter, and all. It's better I think if you can make it a flow chart. Something like given in the following link. Also attached, named as 2.

  • Also, I think, there should a link to download the whole chapters all together, having a front page with the flow chart how it is connected. And an individual link to download each chapter.
  • I agree and there will be download links for full chapter, for sections, for subsections etc. At the moment I am notdoing it systematically because there is not enough material that can be downloaded. 




Exclude node summary : 




General Response to all the points raised in emails of 4-9-2018

 Thanks for your messages. I have been at all this business for past six years.
During Last two years I did not do much uploading on zero space.
And I have not make much progress as far as actual material is concerned.
However I have figured out many difficulties and revamped the structure,
organization and navigation several times.

Now only I have arrived at something which is very flexible.  I can add any new kind of
content any time effortlessly. This will not require restructuring anything.
You have given a lot of thought and mailed your comments. I am very thankful to you.
I have been asking many of my friends but have received little, almost no, response.
I will figure it out a convenient way of inviting comments and keeping them on zero space itself.
Then all our exchanges will be in one place. You will also  be able to post your comments,
see your own all earlier comments and also my responses any time.

Until I fix it,  keep sending your feedback by email. Thanks once again.
For the time being, you concentrate on
  • Whether it is possible to find out any   thing quickly or not.
  • Comment on struture and organization
  • Keep suggesting new forms and formats ( like you wrote about all the important points and formulas together for CM and QM which may  be useful .....  )
  • I will be looking at specifics items  to be provided later.

From WiFi : September 4th 2018

I was looking at the material.. But to actually see and solve some things I want to download the pdf, which I could not find. May I know how to do it?

  •  At present download links are  provided randomly. It will be done systematically sooner or later.

Also I am trying to take all the important points and formulas together for CM and QM by reading your pdfs. Once that is prepared you can have a look. I think its important to have all things in few pages, so that anyone can refresh everything in few minutes, before going to competitive exams.

  • This will be done in future. I have it in my mind. Rememeber all this is one man's effort as of now.


  • I am not sure whether it is a mistake or it is not properly formatted (BY INTENTION). The CM Cross Roads should be the heading, and all QM notes should go under QM cross Roads. For convenience, I am attaching the snapshot. Have a look!
  • It is mistake and will be corrected. Cross roads  will be useful when there is a lot of content scattered around.All content related to a module will be have links in the corresponding cross road.


  •  I personally don't like this, where it is stetting up the connections to the previous and to the next chapter, and all. It's better I think if you can make it a flow chart. Something like given in the following link. Also attached, named as 2.

  • Also, I think, there should a link to download the whole chapters all together, having a front page with the flow chart how it is connected. And an individual link to download each chapter.
  • I agree and there will be download links for full chapter, for sections, for subsections etc. At the moment I am notdoing it systematically because there is not enough material that can be downloaded.