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Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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SUNDAY-PHYSICS October 3, 2022 Lecture 12

Node id: 5780page
kapoor's picture 22-10-03 04:10:30 n

The structure of physical theories

Node id: 4630page
AK-47's picture 21-09-07 09:09:06 n

Time Evolution of Quantum systems : A Summary

Node id: 4712page

$\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d^2 #2}}$ 
$\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}$
$\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}$

AK-47's picture 21-09-28 20:09:44 y

Unit-A Vectors, Summation Convention [LNK}

Node id: 3396page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:17 n

View Assignments and Solutions On Line

Node id: 2458page

This is a collection of assignments and examination papers of a course in
"Elementary Particle Physics" given by Professor H.S. Mani
at University of Hyderabad in the year 2009. 


Please use automatically generated navigation links at  the bottom of the page.

kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:59 n

Works of Masters always have something to offer

Node id: 723page

I take the best from every one. But GOLD FROM OLD,
There is always something to learn from  MASTERS;

In this age of internet, there is a tendency to open internet and learn from Wikipedia and similar sites. While this has its own advantages for  a mature learner, I recommend that a beginner must learn from the masters even though the learning curve may look very steep.

This collection is an attempt to encourage younger generation to leart role of contibuting  to the subject and from the very best.

There are many who contributed to pedgogy and teaching. Many old texts become 'obsolete' simply because is it fashionable to go for the latest.  It would be foolhardy to ignore these and other works, so we include here snippets and quotes etc. from many other sources too.

It is  hoped this will provide incentive to the younger generations to ask for more.

"Choose the very best from every one" 



kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:30 n

[LSN/Cm-02001] Euler Lagrange Equations of Motion

Node id: 4357page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-31 00:03:07 n

[LSN/ME-06001] Potential Problems in One Dimension

Node id: 4131page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-29 20:03:00 n

[NEWB/EM-03] Electric Potential

Node id: 5909page

This page is under construction

Last Updated May 8, 2023


kapoor's picture 23-05-08 08:05:21 n

[NOTES/ME-06005] Bounded Motion --- Oscillations Around Minimum

Node id: 5681page
AK-47's picture 24-04-08 07:04:01 y


Node id: 5065page

Consider a system of $N$ atoms. Assuming that they can exist in two states only. The ground state having energy zero and an excited state having energy $\epsilon$.

  • Find the number of micro states with total energy $U$.
  • Write an expression for entropy and using Stirling approximation for the factorial $$ \ln (N!) \approx N \ln N - N$$ find the temperature of the system and hence show that $$ U = \frac{N\epsilon}{1+ e^{\epsilon/kT}}$$
  • What is fraction of atoms are in the excited state at very large temperature $(T >> kT)$?
AK-47's picture 22-01-13 18:01:58 n

[QUE/SM-03005] --- SM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5069page

A system consists of three particles and each particle can exist in five possible states. Find the total number of microstates and the number of microstates that energy level has two particles assuming

  • the particles are non-identical
  • are identical bosons
  • are identical fermions.
AK-47's picture 22-01-09 20:01:30 n


Node id: 3711page


Consider the set of all vectors \(3\times3\) real matrices \(A\) for which

  1. \(\text{Tr}(A)=0\)
  2. \(\det A=0\)
  3. \(A_{11}>0\)
  4. either \(A_{11}, A_{22}, A_{33}\), all equal to zero
  5. \(A^{\text{T}}=A\)
  6. \(A^\text{T}=-A\)

 Give the dimensions of the vector spaces wherever appropriate and give a possible basis?

kapoor's picture 22-04-22 16:04:31 n


Node id: 3712page


Consider the set of all polynomials \(p(t)= a_0 +a_1 t + a_2 t^2\) for which

  1. \(p(0)=0\)
  2. \(2p(0)=p(1)\)
  3. \(p(t)=p(1-t)\)
  4. \(p(1) > 0\).

Give the dimensions of the vector spaces wherever appropriate and give a possible basis?

kapoor's picture 22-04-22 16:04:07 n


Node id: 3713page


Consider the linear span of the vectors (1,0,0), (1,1,0) and (1,-1,0).
What is the dimension of the vector space thus obtained?

kapoor's picture 22-04-22 16:04:41 n


Node id: 3714page


Do the polynomials \(p_1(t)= 1-t, p_2(t)=t(1-t), p_3(t)=1-t^2\) give a basis for vector space  \(P_2(t)\) all polynomials ?

kapoor's picture 22-04-22 16:04:44 n


Node id: 3742page

In \(M^3(C)\) consisting of all \(3\times3\) complex matrices \begin{equation}   A=  \begin{pmatrix}         A_{11} & A_{12} & A_{13} \\         A_{21} & A_{22} & A_{23} \\           A_{31} & A_{32} & A_{33}   \end{pmatrix} \end{equation} which of the following are linear functionals?

  1. \(\phi(A) = \text{Tr}(A) \)
  2. \(\phi(A)= \text{Tr}(a) + \text{Tr}(A^T)\)
  3. \(\phi(A) =\det (A)\)
  4. \(\phi(A)= A_{11}+A_{21} + A_{31} \)
  5. \(\phi(A) = A_{11}.\)
  6. \(\phi(A)= A_{12}A_{32}\)
kapoor's picture 22-04-22 15:04:40 n


Node id: 3745page

Consider the vector space \(P_5(t)\) whose elements \(p(t)\) are polynomials in \(t\) of degree less than or equal to 4. \[ p(t) =\alpha_0 +\alpha_1t +  \alpha_2 t^2 + \alpha_3 t^3 +\alpha_4t^4\] Consider the subspace \(V_1\) of \(P_5(t)\) consisting of polynomials  which are even functions of  \(t\). What is the dimension of \(V_1\)?  What is the vector space \(V_2\) such
that \( P_5(t) =  V_1 \oplus V_2\). What is dimension of quotient space \(P(t)/V_1\)? Give a basis for \(P(t)/ V_1\).

kapoor's picture 22-04-22 15:04:51 n


Node id: 3746page

Consider the vector spaces \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) obtained  by taking all possible real linear combinations of the vectors
\((1.0,0),(1,1,0)\) and of \((0,1,0),(0,1,1)\). Is it true that \[ \Rbb^3 = V_1 \oplus \Vsc_2 ?\]

kapoor's picture 22-04-22 15:04:12 n


Node id: 3763page

Find the basis in which the operator \(A\) on \(C^3\) defined by
  A\begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\x_3 \end{pmatrix}
    = \begin{pmatrix} x_2 \\ x_3 \\x_1 \end{pmatrix}
is diagonal.


kapoor's picture 22-04-22 15:04:38 n
