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2624 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Title+Summarysort descending Name Date

1.1 The Structure of Physical Theories --- Lectures given at Hyd Univ -2024 Refresher Course

Node id: 6059page
kapoor's picture 24-03-02 22:03:31 n

1.3 Postulates of QM --- Lectures given at Hyd Univ-2024 Refresher Course in Physics

Node id: 6058page
kapoor's picture 24-02-26 06:02:20 n

2017 Statistical Mechanics - A Course Given at IIT Bhubaneswar ---- K. P.N. Murthy and A. K. Kapoor

Node id: 3762page
kapoor's picture 22-08-27 10:08:28 n

2019-CM-I @ CMI :: All Lessons

Node id: 3174curated_content
kapoor's picture 22-08-27 10:08:11 n

2024 Referesher Course, University of Hyderabad ---- Topics in Quatum Mechaincs

Node id: 6062collection
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 08:03:06 n

Help-Page 1 --- Quick Help Expanding Table of Content

Node id: 2769page
kapoor's picture 21-05-19 06:05:41 n

Lesson Template

Node id: 3400page
kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:04 n

LESSON/QM01-02 Structure and Formulations of Physical Theories

Node id: 792page

\(\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2#1}{d#2^2}}\)\(\newcommand{\Label}[1]{\label{#1} }\)\(\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2#1}{\partial#2^2}}\)\(\newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d#1}{d#2}} \)\(\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial#2}}\)

kapoor's picture 21-06-11 23:06:56 y

Matrices --- 150 Problem Sets for Diagonalization

Node id: 959page

This sample contains 150 sets of $3\times 3$ matrices for computing eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

Why so many sets?

The primary reason for creating so many sets was to give each students a different assignment and to give them extra sets for practice purposes.

How were these sets generated?

A large number $3\times3$ of matrices were generated starting with the Jordan canonical form with diagonal entries varied over a range of values. Then a similarity transform was applied by number of  different sets of  invertible matrices on each one of the matrices in Jordan form. Finally, those problems were discarded where the matrices, or the eigenvalues, or the eigenvectors had some large elements. Mathematica was used to write the $\LaTeX$ code of the matrices, their eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

One $\LaTeX$  file was generated for each matrix and stored. These were then input in a main $\LaTeX$  file which  generated the final PDF file of all sets with all answers at the end.

kapoor's picture 23-12-12 06:12:05 n

Mechanics (2012) : A Course given at Univrsity of Hyderabad

Node id: 2275page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:07 n

Part-I Rise of Quantum Mechanics (2017)

Node id: 1650curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:26 n

Part-IV Lecture Notes Spherically Symmetric Potentials in 3 Dimensions

Node id: 1653curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:26 n

Proposed Physics Content on 0space (Part-I ): Important features.

Node id: 115blog
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:22

PTR/QM-06002 --- Dynamical Variables as hemitian operators

Node id: 1969page
kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:30 n

Quantum Field Theory --- Notes for Lectures and Problems --- MIXED-LOT

Node id: 5011multi_level_page


AK-47's picture 21-12-13 19:12:09 n

Quantum Mechanics :: Facts to be Remembered

Node id: 2236page

  Content Under Development

kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:30 n

Repository :: Mixed-Lot of Problems ---- [ALL-AREAS ]

Node id: 5001collection


kapoor's picture 21-12-15 21:12:34 n

Repository of EM Theory Notes and Questions

Node id: 5840page

About this repository:

This page has repositories of NOTES for Lectures  and Questions in  
Electromagnetic Theory. 
These are arranged according to topics in the subject.
Not sorted, or arranged, in any particular order within a topic.

The primary usage of these NOTES is as building blocks for other  resources.

 Who may find it useful?
Suitable for teachers and content developers only.
Others may use the navigation links at the bottom.

kapoor's picture 23-02-20 08:02:27 n

Repository-III :: Diverse Resources for Evaluation and Assessment

Node id: 3474collection


The Evaluation and Assessment resources are broadly classified into three cognitive levels.

Resources for Class Room Tests and  Examinations

Level-I :: Recalling and Understanding

CCQ/QM-23 Scattering in TIme Dependent Formalism of Quantum Mechanics

Level-II :: Applying and Analyzing 

Level-III :: Evaluating, Synthesizing, Creating and More

  • This is a repository of resources for evaluation and assessment.
  • Teachers and experts will find it useful for planning tests, quiz and examinations. 
  • This collection is  meant primarily for internal use of Proofs program.
  • One of the important features  of this collection is that the items included are broadly classified according to the level of difficulty and usage etc.
  •  When development stage of  a critical minimum mass is reached, this repository is expected to serve a variety of purposes such as diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.
kapoor's picture 22-08-14 19:08:39 n

Stockpile :: Complex Variables --- Problem Solving Sessions

Node id: 3533collection

 About Stockpiles:

About Stockpiles:

  • There is one stockpile for each area of Physics and of Mathematical Physics
  • The stockpiles of resources for teaching and learning, and problem solving.
  • Items available under Lessons, Problem Solving and Evaluation and Assessment are designed as stand alone,  independent resources.
  • Stockpile are useful for those who have some exposure to the subject. Recommended for students attending a course and for teachers.
  • Choose a topic and start learning, or start solving problems.
  • Each module will cover all aspects of teaching and learning for a set of a small number of closely related topics.
  • The Newbies will find Self Paced Courses more useful.

kapoor's picture 22-08-01 11:08:38 n
