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2624 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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Execl Sheet of Listing of students

Node id: 3285page
kapoor's picture 19-10-20 22:10:35 n

A reason why Internet is not recommended for beginners

Node id: 3335blog
kapoor's picture 19-11-28 11:11:16 n

Recall and Application Kronecker \(\delta\) and Levi-Civita \(\epsilon\) symbols

Node id: 3391page
  1. Writing out all terms for a \(2\times 2\) matrix \(A\), explicitly verify that \[ \epsilon_{ij} \epsilon_{mn} A_{im} A_{jn} = 2\det A. \] where the indices \(i,j,m,n\) take values 1 and 2.
  2. For a three by three matrix A show that \[ \det A = \epsilon_{ijk} A_{i1}A_{j2} A_{k3}.\]
kapoor's picture 19-12-14 21:12:15 n

Lessons-Part-C Wave mechanics of particle in one dimensional potentials

Node id: 3060curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:12 n

Rise of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 3061curated_content
AK-47's picture 19-12-28 03:12:12 n

Not-In-Any-Book :: Classical Mechanics

Node id: 2714page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:51 n

History Philosophy and More ... ... ...

Node id: 2718page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:51 n

What is a gauge? A lively discussion by experts on Face-book

Node id: 2494blog
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:30 n

Quantum Field Theory17:: Based on Course given at IIT Bhubaneswar

Node id: 2269page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:07 n

Mechanics (2012) : A Course given at Univrsity of Hyderabad

Node id: 2275page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:07 n

My Reference :: TeX Symbols Supported by MathJax

Node id: 2163page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:22 n

For My Reference :: List of Sub topics for different Areas

Node id: 2164page
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:22 n

It is never too late to learn: Green A short biography

Node id: 2116blog
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:24 n

Lesson Part-A Rise of Quantum Theory

Node id: 2095curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n

I.1 Euler Lagrange Equations of Motion

Node id: 2097curated_content

Lesson I.1 Euler Lagrange Equations of Motion.

  1. Review of Newtonian Mechanics
  2. From Newton EOM to Euler Lagrange EOM
  3. Energy Conservation,
  4. Cyclic Coordinates
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n

Lessons-Part B Wave Mechanics of Point Particles

Node id: 2100curated_content

Part B of the course covers basics of wave mechanics of point particles. This includes

  1. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
  2. Probability Conservation
  3. Solving Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation
  4. Free Particle
  5. Particle in a Box
  6. Motion of Wave Packets
  7. Stationary States, Constants  of Motion
  8. Charged Particle , Time Reversal
  9. Particles with Spin
  10. Optics Mechanics Analogy ***

 *** Not Covered In the Class Room Lectures
      ( Recommended for Reading)


kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n

QM-22 WebResources

Node id: 2103page

Web Articles Recommended for Further  Study

This page provodes link to internet ariticles related to the module topic.

kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n

Solutions to Quiz, Test and Examination Papers

Node id: 2108curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n


Node id: 2109curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n

Quiz, Test and Examination Papers

Node id: 2110curated_content
kapoor's picture 19-12-28 03:12:28 n
