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[NOTES/CM-09010] A Heavy Top ---- Special Cases

Node id: 6240page

A heavy top is a rigid body  moving under influence of gravity with one of its points fixed. A brief description of four interesting cases of a heavy top is given.

kapoor's picture 24-06-15 13:06:30 n

[NOTES/CM-09011] General Displacement of a Rigid Body

Node id: 6241page


kapoor's picture 24-06-15 12:06:35 n

[NOTES/CM-09009] General comments on Motion of a Rigid Body

Node id: 6239page

We discuss some general questions about, choice of frames of reference, generalized coordinates and constants of motion.



kapoor's picture 24-06-15 11:06:28 n

[NOTES/CM-09012] Why Two Sets, Body and Space Sets, of Axes?

Node id: 6242page

The Newton's laws hold in an inertial  frame. However the equations of motion involve the moment of inertia tensor which in turn depends on the orientation of the body and varies with time. This make it solution to the motion of a rigid body  problem impossible. This difficulty is absent in the body fixed axes, the moment of inertia tensor depends only on the the geometry of the problem. So whether we use space axes ,or the body axes, depends on the problem to be solved, we use axes which makes the solution of the problem simpler.

kapoor's picture 24-06-15 11:06:41 n

[NOTES/CM-09014] Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body

Node id: 6244page

The angular momentum of a rigid  body is given by  where \(\mathbf I\) is moment of inertia tensor and \(\vec \omega \) is the angular velocity.\begin{eqnarray} \vec{L}&=&\int dv \rho(\vec{X})\vec{X}\times(\vec{\omega}\times\vec{X})\\ &=&\int dV \rho(\vec{X})\Big[(\vec{X}\cdot\vec{X})\vec{\omega}-(\vec{X}\cdot\vec{\omega} )\vec{X}\Big] \end{eqnarray} or \(\vec L=\mathbf I\, \vec \omega\).

kapoor's picture 24-05-15 19:05:17 n

[NOTES/CM-09008] Specifying Orientation Using Body Axes

Node id: 6238page

A possible way of specifying the orientation of a rigid body is to give orientation of body fixed axes w.r.t. a space fixed axes.  Euler angles are a  useful set generalized coordinates to specify orientation of the body axes relative to a space fixed axis.

kapoor's picture 24-05-15 07:05:22 n

[NOTES/CM-09001] Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body

Node id: 6234page

By considering possible motions of a rigid body with one, two or three points fixed, we show that a rigid body has six degrees of freedom.

kapoor's picture 24-05-15 07:05:56 n

[NOTES/CM-09005] Heavy Symmetrical Top with One Point Fixed

Node id: 6236page

We set up Lagrangian for a heavy symmetrical top and show that the solution can be reduced to quadratures.

kapoor's picture 24-05-14 17:05:13 n

[NOTES/CM-09004] Kinetic Energy of Rigid Body

Node id: 6235page

An expression for the kinetic energy in terms of the moment of inertia tensor and the angular velocity w.r.t the body frame of reference is obtained. It is shown that \begin{equation}
\text{KE}=\sum_{ij} \omega_{bi} I_{ij}^{(b)} \omega_{ij}

kapoor's picture 24-05-14 05:05:01 n