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Node id: 2298page

\(\newcommand{\ket}[1]{|#1\rangle} \newcommand{\matrixelement}[3]{\langle#1|#2|#3\rangle}\)

For a real free Klein Gordon field, mass \(m\),  compute \[ \matrixelement{0}{\phi(x)\phi(y)}{\vec{k}, \vec{q}}\] and show that the result is  properly symmetrized wave function for two identical bosons with momenta \(\vec{q},\vec{p}\). Here \(\ket{\vec{k}, \vec{q}}\) is the state with two bosons with momenta \(\vec{k}, \vec{q}\)

kapoor's picture 22-04-14 07:04:59 n


Node id: 4047page

For a real free Klein Gordon field, mass \(m\), compute \[ \matrixelement{0}{\phi(x)\phi(y)}{\vec{k}, \vec{q}}\] and show that the result is properly symmetrized wave function for two identical bosons with momenta \(\vec{q},\vec{p}\). Here \(\ket{\vec{k}, \vec{q}}\) is the state with two bosons with momenta \(\vec{k}, \vec{q}\)

shivahcu's picture 22-02-06 20:02:06 n